Programs and Plans
Short-Term Sustainable Development Plan
It is the state annual plan for sustainable development and includes a list of investment projects that have been agreed upon by the ministries and the various entities, each in its areas, with active participation of the various government agencies. The Ministry of Planning and Economic Development in turn assembles and coordinates these priorities to ensure moving forward toward achieving the objectives of Egypt Vision 2030, which was reflected in the government action program for the period 2018/2019 - 2021/2022.

Sustainable Development Plan for fiscal year 2014/2015
The focus on the spatial dimension of the projects serves as one of the key development objectives in the 2014/2015 plan to achieve their communication with the community...

Economic and Social Development Plan for fiscal year 2015/2016
The 2015/2016 plan included the allocation of investments required to implement national projects and increase investments allocated to the education, health and scientific...

Sustainable Development Plan for fiscal year 2016/2017
The 2016/2017 plan represents the real starting point for activating the long-term strategy, as well as the government's medium-term action program...

Sustainable Development Plan for fiscal year 2017/2018
The Development Plan (2017/18- 2019/20) prioritizes
stimulating inclusive and sustainable economic growth by fostering overall
investments, focusing on technology-intensive exports, reducing import bills,
as well as shifting towards decentralization

Sustainable Development Plan for fiscal year 2018/2019
The Plan 2018/19 is committed to implementing program-based
budgeting to achieve efficiency in public expenditure. It also focuses on
enhancing community participation, transitioning towards a knowledge-based
economy, and addressing unemployment, illiteracy, and poverty issues.

Economic and Social Development Plan for fiscal year 2019/2020
The 2019/2020 Plan commits to the fundamental pillars of the Medium Term Sustainable Development Plan 18/2019 - 21/2022, which represents Egypt Vision 2030.

Sustainable Development Plan for fiscal year 2020/2021
The Plan 2020/21 aims to raise the standard of living of
citizens through confronting the negative implications of the COVID-19
pandemic. It also seeks to align with the objectives of the national agenda to
achieve Egypt Vision 2030.

Sustainable Development Plan for fiscal year 2021/2022
The Plan 2021/22 is based on several key principles,
including aligning with the objectives of the national agenda for sustainable
development, fulfilling constitutional obligations, continuing to manage the
pandemic, and advancing economic and social reforms.

Sustainable Development Plan for fiscal year 2022/2023
The Plan 2022/23 focuses on examining the implications of
the Russia-Ukraine crisis on the Egyptian economy, considering both local and
regional developments in light of the anticipated effects of the crisis.
Medium-Term Sustainable Development Plan
The Medium-Term Sustainable Development Plan is the first aspect of the Four-Way Plan to achieve Egypt Vision 2030 objectives. The plan adopted a program and performance-based approach in planning, establishing planning and monitoring mechanisms, bridging geographical development gaps between different governorates and prioritizing the development of areas of strategic significance. The plan includes a set of economic and social targets for 2018/19-2021/2022 and their main foundations through which the state is working to achieve these targets.

Medium-Term Sustainable Development Plan 2018/2019...
During the distribution of public investments, this plan addresses development gaps between the governorates and prioritizes...
Government Program

Government Program 2016-2018
The government action program is part of Egypt Vision 2030, and some of its pillars and objectives are to preserve Egypt's national security and adopt a vision for sectoral...

Government Program 2018/2019 - 2021/2022
The government action program includes the development of solutions and policies to address the various challenges facing the Egyptian state, including five specific strategic ...