Ministers of Planning, Economic Development, International Cooperation, and Environment Discuss Public Investment Plan for the Environment Sector for the Upcoming Fiscal Year 2026/2025
20 March 2025
Minister of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation: "Transitioning to a green economy and considering environmental sustainability is a key direction in the state's development plan."
Minister of Environment: "We aim to implement a number of environmental projects with direct impact in the coming period."
H.E. Dr. Rania
Al-Mashat, Minister of Planning, Economic Development, and International
Cooperation, met with Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, to discuss
the directions of the economic and social development plan for the coming
fiscal year 2026/2025 for the environment sector. The two ministers reviewed
the priorities of the plan and the allocated investments in light of the
governance of the public investment plan and efforts to achieve development.
During the meeting,
H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat emphasized the importance of the environmental
dimension as one of the most critical aspects of sustainable development, which
is integrated and intertwined with the economic and social dimensions. This
contributes to improving the quality of life for citizens and preserving the
rights of future generations through the optimal exploitation of traditional
natural resources and maximizing the use of renewable resources.
H.E. added that the
transition to a green economy and consideration of environmental sustainability
is a key direction in the state's development plan, as the ministry is working
to increase the proportion of green public investments out of total public
investments to about 55% in the next fiscal year 2025/2026.
Dr. Al-Mashat
explained that Egypt's Vision 2030 places special importance on achieving an
"integrated and sustainable ecosystem" by addressing the challenges
of climate change, the sustainability of natural resources, the preservation of
biodiversity, and ensuring the sustainability of ecosystems. She added that
this is achieved by focusing on the importance of monitoring the negative
impacts of climate change, adapting to them, and reducing greenhouse gas
emissions. In addition, the plan aims to increase the management efficiency of
nature reserves to ensure continuity and financial sustainability, as well as
supporting the basic infrastructure of the waste management system and the
transition to a green economy.
Regarding the key
pillars of the economic and social development plan for FY2026/25, H.E. Dr.
Rania Al-Mashat explained that the plan adopts six fundamental pillars,
starting from the objectives of Egypt's Vision 2030, in line with the
priorities of the government's work program, sectoral strategies and plans, and
within the framework of the effective implementation of the National Structural
Reform Program and modern trends of the General Planning Law, and in support of
the government's efforts to stimulate the role of the private sector in
economic development through the implementation of the "State Ownership
Policy Document."
The Minister of
Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation also reviewed the
integrated methodology for preparing the economic and social development plan
for FY2026/25, which includes identifying the role of each ministry in
implementing Egypt's Vision 2030, the Government Action Program, and related
sectoral strategies. This includes analyzing the current status of the public
investment plan projects for each ministry, studying presidential mandates,
national projects, and ongoing protocols related to each ministry, as well as
providing a set of planning tools that help each ministry improve the quality
of the planning process.
Moreover, H.E. Dr.
Rania Al-Mashat explained that the ministry is currently working on preparing
the economic and social development plan for the next fiscal year 2026/2025.
From the beginning of fiscal year 2027/2026, the plan will be prepared for
three years, not annually, in accordance with the Unified Public Finance Law.
She noted that the ministry holds continuous sessions with various ministries
to discuss the plan for the next fiscal year and prepare for the medium-term
For her part, Dr.
Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, emphasized the ongoing coordination and
cooperation between the Ministries of Environment and Planning, Economic
Development, and International Cooperation regarding the follow-up on the
implementation of the public investment plan targets and the government program
targets for the environment sector. This includes climate change projects,
reducing pollution by improving air and water quality, protecting nature,
implementing supportive environmental programs, improving the industrial
environment, and implementing afforestation projects.
Dr. Yasmine Fouad
explained that the public investment plan for the upcoming year was reviewed.
The Ministry of Environment aims to implement many important projects with
direct impact, including the completion of the supply of 120 electric buses
that will operate in Greater Cairo as a pioneering experience in Egypt towards
expanding electric public transportation. This project is part of the
sustainable transport component of the air pollution and climate change
management project in Greater Cairo, implemented in collaboration with the
World Bank, with funding of $200 million.
The Minister of
Environment added that the infrastructure of the Integrated Waste Management
City in Tenth of Ramadan is currently being completed. This will become the
first model city to treat all types of waste generated in Egypt for the East
Nile sector (Cairo, Qalyubia governorates, and new cities east of the Nile), on
an area of 1,226 acres. The city will receive municipal, demolition,
construction, medical, industrial, and hazardous waste. She explained that it
is intended to offer the complex for direct investment through the private
sector after completing the construction of facilities and infrastructure.
Dr. Yasmine Fouad
pointed out that the Ministry of Environment, represented by the Waste
Management Regulatory Agency, plays its role in providing technical support and
following up on the process of establishing the infrastructure of the waste
management system in all governorates of the Republic, through institutional
support for the system.