Planning and Housing Ministers Discuss Investment Plan for Housing Ministry for FY 2024/2025

26 March 2024
H.E. Dr. Hala El Said, Minister of Planning and Economic Development, convened a video conference meeting with Dr. Assem El Gazzar, Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities, to deliberate on the proposed investment plan for the Ministry of Housing for the upcoming fiscal year 2024/2025. During the session, Dr. Hala El Said underscored the significance of projects undertaken by the Ministry of Housing in delivering diverse services to citizens, attaining developmental objectives, and fostering job opportunities, particularly for local labor in project-affected provinces.
El Said emphasized that the Egyptian state has achieved unprecedented milestones in ensuring adequate housing, reiterating that providing suitable housing stands as a pivotal national objective outlined in the National Sustainable Development Strategy, Egypt Vision 2030, aimed at enhancing living standards for all Egyptian citizens in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals agenda.
The Minister of Planning and Economic Development reaffirmed the full commitment in the new fiscal year's plan to adhere to the directives issued by the Prime Minister regarding the allocation of the government investment ceiling for each entity within the plan, capped at one trillion pounds, with a focus on prioritizing expenditures and maintaining funding for projects nearing completion.
The meeting also delved into proposed investments across various sectors, encompassing utilities, the National Authority for Drinking Water and Sanitation, the Executive Agency for Drinking Water and Sanitation, the Ministry of Housing's General Directorate, the Central Agency for Reconstruction and its affiliated entities, as well as the Social Housing Fund and Real Estate Financing.
Representatives from the Ministry of Planning included Dr. Mohamed Fathi Saqr, Advisor to the Minister for Plan Preparation, Dr. Jameel Helmi, Assistant Minister for Sustainable Development Plan Monitoring Affairs, Kamal Nasr, Assistant Minister for Technical Office Affairs, Nehad Morsi, Assistant Minister for Infrastructure Affairs, and Ismail Youssef, Supervisor of Plan Preparation and Monitoring Sector. From the Ministry of Housing, attendees comprised Dr. Sayed Ismail, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure, Dr. Walid Abbas, Deputy Chairman of the New Urban Communities Authority for Planning and Projects (attending remotely), Major General Mahmoud Nasr, Head of the Central Agency for Reconstruction, Eng. Abdel Muttalib Amara, Deputy Chairman of the New Urban Communities Authority for Development and City Development, Eng. Mamdouh Raslan, Chairman of the Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sanitation, Major General Ehab Khedr, Chairman of the National Authority for Drinking Water and Sanitation, and Mai Abdel Hamid, Chairman of the Social Housing Fund and Real Estate Financing Support.