Under the patronage of H.E. Dr. Hala El-Said, Egypt's Minister of Planning & Economic Development:The Ministry's Human Rights Unit organizes a symposium on the National Human Rights Strategy 2021-2026

29 November 2023
The Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, represented by the Ministry’s Human Rights Unit, held an awareness seminar on the National Human Rights Strategy (2021-2026) and the role of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and its affiliated bodies in implementing the strategy’s objectives through the Ministry’s work areas in planning and investment expenditure.
The symposium witnessed the presence of Ambassador Hazem Khairat - Director of the Ministry’s International Cooperation Office, Dr. Muhammad Alaa, Deputy Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Head of the Human Rights Unit, and Muhammad Abdullah Khalil, Head of the National Human Rights Strategy Implementation Follow-up Unit of the Permanent Higher Committee for Human Rights at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The symposium witnessed the presence of Dr. Rasha Hassan - A researcher specializing in economic and social affairs at the Permanent Supreme Committee for Human Rights.
A large group of people working in the sectors and units of the Ministry and its affiliated entities also participated in the symposium, in addition to a group of former trainees from university youth in the summer training program held by the Ministry for university youth in the summer.
During the symposium, Ambassador Hazem Khairat praised the efforts of the Technical Secretariat of the Supreme Committee for Human Rights over the two years since the launch of the National Human Rights Strategy to achieve its goals.
Ambassador Hazem Khairat stressed the interest of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development in integrating human rights into the state’s general policies, especially about investment expenditure and the formulation of the economic and social development plan.
For his part, Dr. Muhammad Alaa said that the goal of launching such symposiums is to spread the culture of human rights through various means of awareness, and developing the legal awareness of the ministry’s employees.
Alaa added that the importance of choosing the first topic for the series of awareness seminars came in light of the importance of the National Human Rights Strategy as the first Egyptian document that clearly and explicitly addresses all aspects related to the political, civil, social, economic and cultural rights of the Egyptian citizen.
Muhammad Abdullah Khalil began the symposium by presenting an overview of the Permanent Supreme Committee for Human Rights (establishment - composition - specializations), then he introduced the National Strategy for Human Rights (2021 - 2026) in terms of (preparation - foundations - main challenges).
Khalil also reviewed the strategy’s pillars and objectives, with a focus on aspects related to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and its affiliated entities, implementation paths, and the most prominent indicators for implementing the strategy during the previous two years.
Dr. Rasha Hassan Al-Dawda highlighted the role of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and its affiliated bodies in implementing the goals of the National Human Rights Strategy and fulfilling the obligations accepted by the Egyptian state in the field of human rights.
This symposium is the first in a series of monthly seminars that will be held by the Ministry’s Human Rights Unit to spread the culture of human rights through various means of awareness and develop legal awareness among employees of the Ministry and its affiliated entities.