Strategic Management
The organizational manual prepared by the Strategic Planning Unit Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, responds to the decree of the Prime Minister No. 1146 for 2018 concerning the creation of 6 new organizational divisions in the state administrative apparatus, and the decree of the head of the Central Agency for Organization and Administration No. 86 for 2019 concerning the introduction of an organizational division of strategic management in the units of the state administrative apparatus.
The manual provides the institutional framework for the department's work in terms of key tasks, functions and expected outcomes and reviews the sub-organizational divisions of strategic department, namely, the sub-organizational division of Strategic Planning and Policy, the sub-organizational division of Monitoring and Evaluation, the sub-organizational division of Project Management, Programs and Performance, and finally the sub-organizational division of Crisis and Disaster Management and Risk Mitigation.
In addition, the manual highlights the merits and specialized, technical, leadership and personal skills needed to fill strategic department positions. The proposed training courses were also presented in various areas of strategic department functions in the belief in the importance of having qualified and professional cadres to establish an efficient and effective department that contributes to achieving the objectives of strategic management.
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Strategic Management Manual
The manual provides the institutional framework for the department’s work in terms of key tasks, functions and expected outcomes and reviews the sub-organizational divisions of...

Strategic Planning Operating Manual
The manual demonstrates via simple and clear directions how to prepare a strategic plan ; the stages , the execution mechanisms, the expected deliverables and working templates for each stage.
The projects management, programmes and performance operating manual
The Operating manual provides the institutional framework for the projects management department’s key tasks, responsibilities as well as expected outcomes. The manual highlights the importance of the project governance which provides direction and defines decision-making metrics and procedures to validate and ensure the impacts of the projects.

strategic management ...practical perspective
The article addresses the MPED experience in institutionalizing the strategic management department and its units, namely; Strategic planning and policies, monitoring and ...