Performance System
Measuring the performance of the state administrative apparatus, in accordance with the latest international standards, to achieve outstanding government performance.
Provide a developed and effective electronic tool, the first of its kind, that will enable the Government of Egypt to monitor and evaluate the performance of all state agencies with the aim to realize the ability to address shortfalls with urgent intervention measures. This tool is linked to the state budget to ensure the efficiency of resource allocation, making it a scientific basis for government and institutional excellence, and achieving the state's objectives in linking the increase in employees’ wages with productivity levels.
Based on the fact that what cannot be measured, cannot be managed and its performance cannot be monitored, Egypt Vision 2030 places a significant focus on reforming the planning and monitoring systems through implementation of the program-based budget methodology, which has been adopted since the 2018 fiscal year plan and made a qualitative shift in the content of the plan, making it a comprehensive sustainable development plan, funded by all budget chapters, rather than merely an investment plan. In addition, the methodology includes development performance indicators and other indicators that measure the accuracy of fiscal planning. The system includes standardized and binding models, methodologies and tools to all government agencies.
Strategic Objectives
- Ensuring the implementation of the development targets approved by the government.
- Achieving maximum coordination between ministries and different agencies.
- Highlighting the magnitude of the country's achievements.
- Coordination between the objectives of the government and the individual performance of government agencies and their employees.
- Improving the quality of services provided to citizens.
- Ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending.
- Measuring the impact of government-implemented development programs on achieving sustainable development goals.
- Developing urgent solutions for constraints and regulating performance to ensure that targets are implemented.
- Institutionalizing strategic planning and measuring performance of the state administrative apparatus.
- Strengthening the capabilities of state administrative personnel in program and performance plans.
Participatory Approach in the Preparation and Development of Performance System
The performance system in its current version is the basic start toward building an integrated and comprehensive performance system that meets the requirements of all stakeholders in the monitoring process. Therefore, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development organized intensive workshops to present and discuss the methodology of the performance system, to take into account the various requirements and recent developments in monitoring and evaluation. Stakeholders include the following:
- Egyptian Cabinet.
- Administrative Control Authority.
- Central Agency for Accounting.
- Planning and Budget Committee of the House of Representatives.
- Institute of National Planning.
- Egyptian Society for Evaluation.
- Microsoft.
- Office of the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates.
- Performance Measurement Center in Saudi Arabia.
Different Phases of the Monitoring System

- Phase 1: Planning Phase: A quarterly operational work plan for 2018/2019 was developed for all parties.
- Phase 2: Monitoring Phase: Receive and review the monitoring forms from all agencies on a quarterly basis before they are introduced into the monitoring system.
- Phase 3: Evaluation Phase: The system automatically evaluates performance by comparing the part completed in each performance indicator with the target value in the same period.
Monitoring Data Verification Methodology
- Receiving monitoring statements from each ministry signed by the relevant minister.
- The monitoring team at the Ministry of Planning, and Economic Development reviews the data and prepares a technical report containing the key remarks to be taken into account.
- Conducting a workshop to discuss all performance indicators with the monitoring team of the concerned ministry.
- Details of each indicator are requested for the description of qualitative achievement and geographical distribution.
- Sending performance reports to regulators to help verify all performance indicators.
Performance System Outputs
- Quarterly report that includes an assessment of each ministry's performance and shows indicators of high, medium and low performance.
- Quarterly report entitled: “Harvesting of the Construction Phase in 90 days”, including a comprehensive documentation of all investment projects completed each quarter, and data on the importance of each project, its total cost, geographical location, start date, completion date, and photos of the project.
- Periodic report on the obstacles to the implementation of development targets.
Logical Framework of the Monitoring System

The logical framework of the monitoring system can be explained in the above figure:
Technical Partner
The Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) is the strategic partner in information technology and technical support.